Located in historic Uptown Westerville, Ohio.
Uptown Deli and Brew opened in December 2014 and serves carefully crafted sandwiches, soups and salads as well as offering a market aspect with artisan meats, cheeses and breads. The deli is a modern interpretation of the old world market with European style patio seating viewing State Street.
noun: temperance
abstinence from alcoholic drink
Uptown Deli and Brew is home to Temperance Row Brewing Company which is located at the rear of the deli in a manner that harks back to Westerville's temperance movement history. Temperance Row Brewing Company is the first brewery in Westerville. The brewpub also has a large secluded biergarten behind it allowing guests to enjoy craft beers al fresco.
Temperance Row Brewing Company is located in the heart of Uptown Westerville, Ohio. Westerville was at one time known as “The Dry Capitol of the World” due to its liquor law bans and for being the headquarters for the Anti-Saloon League. The leaders of the ASL purchased and built homes just a couple blocks away from our brewery. This cluster of homes on a few streets in Westerville became known as Temperance Row. Over 100 years later Temperance Row Brewing Co. is the first legal brewery in Westerville.
Welcome to Uptown & Cheers!
(614) 891-2337
41 N. State Street
Westerville, OH 43081
Mon-Thur: 11am-10pm
Fri-Sat: 11am-Midnight
Sun: 11am-10pm
Catering Available
We have solutions for all of your meeting and event needs. Contact us today!

What's the meaning behind our craft beer?
Temperance Row Brewing Company
In 1909 Purley Baker and Howard Russell moved to Westerville and with them came the national headquarters of their Anti-Saloon League (ASL). The two, along with their colleagues in the ASL, built several homes just south of Otterbein University. This group of homes and streets are now on the National Register of Historic Places. Today we have Temperance Row Brewing Company, the first legal brewery in Westerville since Purley and Howard came to town.
Corbin's Revenge IPA
On July 12, 1875 Henry Corbin’s Saloon, which was located just behind where Temperance Row Brewing Company is now located, was bombed by the local townspeople opposed to such an establishment in their town. Corbin rebuilt two years later and his new saloon suffered the same fate. We named our IPA in Henry’s honor. Revenge is a beer best served cold.
Two Pistols IPA
Henry Corbin expected trouble on opening day. Protesters gathered outside of his saloon and he greeted them with a pistol in each hand. We took Henry’s approach and were a bit more aggressive with the hops. You can take Henry’s approach too and order an IPA for each hand!
Gunpowder IPA
In 1875 Henry Corbin opened Corbin’s Saloon to much protest from the locals. The residents of Westerville didn’t want Henry serving alcohol, so they took matters into their own hands. They snuck into the saloon at night and bombed the place with gunpowder, effectively shutting him down. Fortunately, the climate changed in Westerville since those days, and we are free to enjoy a delicious pint in the home of prohibition. Now, the gunpowder in town explodes with hop flavor!
Hatchetation Pale Ale
Carrie Nation was a radical member of the temperance movement that opposed alcohol even before Prohibition. She was known to carry a hatchet and used it to destroy the insides of pubs, bars, and saloons. This act of destroying saloons became known as Hatchetation. Here at Temperance Row Brewing Company all nations are welcome, except for Carrie.
Forty Ton Porter
During the height of Prohibition, the Anti-Saloon League headed by Purley Baker produced and mailed out over forty tons of anti-alcohol propaganda a month right here in Westerville. Our first class post office was a result of the volume of mail sent out by the ASL. Today we just hope to deliver you great craft beer.
Scofflaw Scottish Ale
In 1924 the Boston Herald ran a contest looking for a new word to describe the people of America that were ignoring prohibition and drinking anyway. “Scofflaw” was the winning entrant. Documentarian, Ken Burns dubbed America during prohibition as a nation of scofflaws.
Fortune Teller Macedonian Coffee Stout
In Macedonia, telling one’s fortune by reading the coffee grounds left in the bottom of one’s cup is an ancient past-time. Depending on the shapes and patterns left in the cup, a gifted fortune teller can look into your past, present and future with tales of wealth, love and even woe. We hope that you’ll find nothing but good fortune and perhaps another pint in your future. Na Zdravje!
Contradiction ESB
You’re sitting in a brewery in “the dry capital of the world”. Enough said.